MIX’11 : Windows Phone Sessions

Here is a list of all windows phone sessions from MIX this year, (list taken from AppHub)

Day 2 Keynote
Joe Belfiore

Application Design for Windows Phone
Megan Donahue

XNA Game Studio for Fun, Profit, Danger, Excitement and Windows Phone 7 Games
Rob Miles

Expert Lessons: Top Tips to Building a Successful Windows Phone Application
Stefan Wick

Who Would Pay For That Feature? Adding Analytics to Your Windows Phone 7 Applications
David Poeschl

Rx: A Library for Managing Asynchronous Data and Events in Your Windows Phone 7 Application
Jim Wooley

What’s Coming Next to the Windows Phone Application Platform
Andrew Clinick

Building Windows Phone 7 Applications with the Windows Azure Platform
Wade Wegner

Going Mobile with Your Site on Internet Explorer 9 and Windows Phone 7
Joe Marini

Get Ready for Fast Application Switching in Windows Phone
Adina Trufinescu

What’s New in the Windows Phone Developer Tools?
Vibhor Agarwal

Multitasking in the Next Version of Windows Phone, Part I
Darin Miller

Multitasking in the Next Version of Windows Phone, Part II: Using Background Agents
Peter Torr

Flickr API: Tap Into Billions of Photos for Windows Phone 7
Markus Spiering

Sensor and Camera Access in the Next Version of Windows Phone
Mark Paley

What’s New for Windows Phone Development with Silverlight?
Shawn Oster

Windows Phone Architecture – Deep Dive
Istvan Cseri

Analyzing and Improving Windows Phone Application Performance
Jeff Wilcox

What’s New for Windows Phone Development with the XNA Framework?
Brian Hudson

Making Money with Your Application on Windows Phone
Todd Brix

Enhanced Push Notifications & Live Tiles for Windows Phone
Thomas Fenne

Creating Windows Phone Applications Using Expression Blend
Unni Ravindranathan

New Data Access Features Coming to Windows Phone
Sean McKenna

All Thumbs: Redesigning an Existing UI to Suit Windows Phone 7
Ward Bell

The Tale of Two Apps: Making a Splash in the Windows Phone Marketplace
András Velvárt, Bálint Orosz

Over 1500 new API’s have been added to the next version of Windows Phone, called Mango. And yes, all existing devices will be updated to Mango, the update can’t come soon enough :)

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